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The mission of the Bay Area Classics Car Club according to the By-Laws, is to promote the sport and hobby of owning, altering, building and modifying automobiles of past years; encourage family participation in such sport and hobby; and to place our members in the driving seat of the Greatest Cars ever made. We Meet, We Travel, We do Events, and We do it Together! We promote friendship, support and organization for such functions held by the club and others of similar interest. 






A. Promote the sport and hobby of owning, altering, building, and modifying automobiles of past years 1955 - 1974 Classic Cars.


B. To encourage family participation in such sport.


C. To promote friendship, support organization functions held by such club, as well as others who have such interest.




A. All officers shall be elected by a majority of the club members present at the end of each term at the annual meeting or special meeting called for that purpose.


B. The club will consist of four (4) officers.


C. The officers are: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer;. The President shall be the only director, but no other officer is required to be a director and/or in this position.




A. PRESIDENT: The President will preside over all meetings called for and he will act as an ambassador to any functions or activities held by the club And/or any other club he is asked to attend. He will seek ways to help build membership, create ideas, and help promote and maintain interest for and by its members. He shall meet at least once a quarter with his board of officers. He shall also be responsible to plan and oversee the budget of the club funds for the next year during his term of office.


B. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President will preside over all meetings called for if the President is unable to attend. He, too, will act as ambassador to any functions the President cannot attend. He will be in charge of all chairmen committees and report to the president as needed. He will keep aspects and continue to update the membership roster, collecting and keeping a record of who has and has not paid club dues, with a current dues roster; collect any monies and order club jackets and shirts; He will work with the Secretary and Treasurer in keeping those records that are necessary. The Vice President shall succeed to the position of President after the annual meeting after which they are elected.


C. SECRETARY: The Secretary will be responsible for the minutes for all meetings called for, for roll call, and handling all correspondence brought forth by the club and its members. And shall keep the President aware of any and all incoming correspondence that should be brought forth to club members. The Secretary may, however, designate any person to keep the minutes for any meeting.


D. TREASURER: The Treasurer will be responsible for all monies received and disbursed by the club. He must keep a complete account of all such matters by a ledger, and when called upon, present such matters to the club, and for the yearly audit which will be conducted yearly, and for the incoming Treasurer, prior to assuming the office. The audit committee will consist of the outgoing Treasurer, the incoming Treasurer, and an audit committee consisting of two (2) members appointed from the club by the President.




A. Anyone wanting to hold office of said club may do so by being elected by its members as a whole, during the Term year, election of club officers, must have been a member of the club for 4 year prior to holding any office. If a member is unable to complete his/her term of office for any reason, a member may be appointed to fill the remainder of the term of office by the voting of remaining Officers, called in a special meeting.


B. Offices must be held for four (4) year or until their successors are elected and qualified.




A. Any person or persons and family, 18 years or older, will be eligible for membership to said club.


B. Application of such person or persons must be voted on by the club membership present at a monthly meeting, upon recommendation from the Officers.


C. Applicants must have a vehicle in PRESENTABLE "Show" condition. If not, he or she must have a vehicle in such condition by the end of the fiscal year of application or forfeit membership. If they do not have a vehicle on the road and in PRESENTABLE "Show" condition, the President will appoint a committee to inspect the vehicle to see if progress is being made. Upon the recommendation by the committee, they may be given an additional year to get said vehicle on the road. Example of PRESENTABLE "Show" condition: Old Car Price Guide No. 3: VERY GOOD: Completely operable, original or older restoration showing wear; or amateur restoration; all presentable and serviceable inside and out. Also, combinations of well done restoration and good operable components or partially restored car with all parts necessary to complete or valuable New/Old Stock parts.


D. Membership consists of Member and Spouse and all children of Member and Spouse under the age of 18 years. A member shall have but one vote which may be cast by either the member or the member's spouse, but not both.


E. Prospective members are encouraged, but not required, attend at least one monthly meeting prior to their being voted upon by the membership for membership in the club. The month following their presentation to club members, the members present at that meeting will vote to accept or reject the prospective member's application. If accepted, the prospective member will be considered a member of the club after 6 Months of consecutive Meetings and/or participated in all events. If rejected by a majority of the members present, the prospective member will be notified at that time, or be written notice by the club Secretary and all dues received with the application will be returned to the person.


F. Prior to being considered for membership, the prospective member will fill out and sign an application for membership, approved by the club, and turn in with the application for membership, pro­rated dues to the next end of fiscal year calculated from the month the application is voted upon.


G. Prospective member shall not order or receive club jackets or shirts until voted upon by the membership and payment of their initiation dues in full.


H. Any club member who leaves the club, for any reason, may be asked by the club to return any club jackets and shirts, and they will be reimbursed by the club for the expense, if asked to do so.


I. Prospective club members, upon filling out an application, will also have the club member(s) who are going to sponsor their application, sign said application prior to being submitted for consideration.


J. Prospective members will not be present at the meeting when they are voted upon. Voting will be by secret written ballot, indicating YES or NO, for acceptance into the club. Membership acceptance will be by a majority of club members voting. Ballots will be destroyed after voting.




A. The following type vehicles will be recognized for membership: STREET RODS, CUSTOMS, CLASSICS, STREET MACHINES, TRUCKS.


B. Vehicles must be in number 1 to number 4 condition 1 being said the Higher.


C. Vehicles may be altered, built, or changed in such a way to create interest by non­members; or they may be stock, non­altered.




A. As a member of such club, you will be expected to promote and to take part in a good share of club meetings, activities, and functions brought forth.



B. Members must operate vehicles in such a manner that it will not cause embarrassment to said club, its officers, and members. If such a case arises, the offending member will be removed from the club.


C. All club members who drive while involved in club functions or are traveling with said club going to or from a club function, shall abide by the laws of the State of California, or any other State when representing the club. D. Any club member while driving and representing the club, shall have a valid operator's license.


8. DUES:


A. Membership dues will be paid annually.


B. Membership dues are $300.00 per family, based on membership from

January 1 to December 31.


C. When a new member joins during said club's fiscal year, the dues will be pro­rated from the month to December 31, unless it is three (3) months or less until the end of the fiscal year; as the new member shall pay a Monthly fee and participate as way of initiation until December 31, and the next year's dues of $300.00, not to exceed $300.00 unless the dues are raised by the majority of the members at the annual meeting.


D. There will be a 30 day grace period for current members paying the next fiscal year's dues (renewal of membership), if needed by a member. If the dues are not paid within 30 days, the member will be dropped from membership.


E. For prospective members, dues must accompany the application for membership to the club in order to be voted on for membership. If there are no dues, either for the fiscal year and/or pro­rated dues, the application will not be considered for membership until such time as payment of dues are received. Such payment shall be refunded to the prospective members if the application is rejected.


F. A ceiling on the amount to be kept in the treasury shall be set at

$2,000.00, plus such amounts as the Treasurer advises are necessary to cover upcoming expenses, with excess funds to be dealt with by the officers appointed by the president to report back to the club members where it shall be voted on by the members as to what to do with said excess funds. The club may, from time to time, increase the amount kept in the treasury in anticipation of upcoming expenses or decrease the amount in anticipation of upcoming donations.




A. The annual meeting of the members, for the election of officer’s, shall be held on the third Saturday following the close of the fiscal year.

(1) A special meeting of the members may be called at any time upon seven days written notice to the members, at the discretion of the President, or the Officer’s, or upon request of 10 percent of the members.

(2) A quorum shall consist of those members present at any annual or regular or special meeting.


B. Meetings will be held the Third Saturday of each month, unless circumstances for a date, prior or later, require a change. No membership meetings shall be held on weekdays so that members may attend other functions, and to keep the "Family Work Week" intact.


C. Meetings will be held once a month for a total of twelve (12) meetings.


D. Meetings will be held at 675 Hegenberger Rd. Oakland, CA. at 6pm.


E. The Annual Meeting of Officer’s shall be held immediately following the close of the membership meeting.

(i) A special meeting of the Officer’s may be called at any time upon seven days written notice at the direction of the President or any three voting Directors.

(ii) A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Appointed Officers then in office.




A. Voting on all issues at club meetings will be by majority vote.




A. If the club is asked to take part in other clubs' functions, we should try and have at least 2 representative from our organization to attend.


B. When in attendance at such functions, represent our organization in a manner of respect and in such a manner so as not to embarrass yourself and club members and be in full Club Color/Jacket, Shirt, ect.





A. By­Laws may only be changed at the annual meeting or at any special meeting called and noticed for that purpose.





The mission of the Bay Area Classics Car Club according to the By-Laws, is to promote the sport and hobby of owning, altering, building and modifying automobiles of past years; encourage family participation in such sport and hobby; and to place our members in the driving seat of the Greatest Cars ever made. We Meet, WE Travel, and We do Events! We promote friendship, support and organization for such functions held by the club and others of similar interest.

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675 Hegenberger Road | Suite 216

Oakland, CA. 94621





Contact: Clifton CB Burch

Phone: 415-786-9019​

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